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Ubuntu 2x2 Matrix
Embracing Ubuntu:
Humanity to Others.

Cydney Buckman

Andrea Williams

Mark Blue


Dave Key

Lea Ann Tolliver

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An anthropologist showed a game to the children of an African tribe. He placed a basket of delicious fruits near a tree trunk and told them, the first child to reach the tree will get the basket.
When he gave them the start signal, he was surprised that they were walking together, holding hands until they reached the tree and shared the fruit!
He asked them “why did you do that when every one of you could get the basket only for yourself?”
They answered with astonishment: Ubuntu.
Meaning, how can one of us be happy while the rest are miserable?
Ubuntu in their civilization means “I am because we are.”
This group of African children and their tribe know the secret of happiness that has been lost in [many] societies.