Escalated Success Funnel ~ ESF
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1. You NEED to have Joined Shift into Prosperity ~ SIP from an ESF Sponsor to Receive.
2. And as Required to be on our Rotators... You MUST Personally Email Your Opt-ins & Paid Members with our Pre-Written “WELCOME EMAILS” from Your Personal Email Account… NOT through the Back Office so they know you are Real and There to Help them!
Thank you!
PLEASE NOTE: It is Up to You, as a Sponsor, to make sure Your Downline Completes our ESF CHECKLIST
1. Whitelist this Email:
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SUBJECT: New Contact From Capture Page
2. Shift Into Prosperity ~ SIP
You paid your Sponsor! Congratulations!
This is so Your SIP Capture Page & Payment Page can be Created.
Please SET Up How You Want to be PAID Here:
3. Escalated Success Funnel ~ ESF
You paid your $12 Admin! Thank you!
PLEASE Join and Create Your ESF Account Here:
4. Then Your ESF Link will be placed on One of our Rotators:
(Depending on the Product Levels you Choose):
- Silver - for One Month on Us;
- Platinum - for One Month on Us;
- Gold - for One Month on Us; or
- VIP Rotator for the Life of your Account!
See Rotator Section on our ESF Guide:
5. Please make sure Your Payment Options for EACH Opportunity is Complete... so You can be PAID.
6. Our Facebook Group.
Please Welcome Our NEW Members
Post Your INCOME PROOF(s) Here!
7. Escalated Success Funnel ~ ESF Member Login:
8. Our Escalated Success Funnel ~ ESF GUIDE:
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